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Ergonomics & Posture


If you suffer any kind of Spinal Pain – Take Heed!

Ergonomics is the science that studies the relationship between a person and her/his work surroundings.

If posture and deportment classes were part of the school curriculum, there would be much less pain experienced by this generation.

Most pain in the neck, thoracic region, back, shoulder, hips, knees and ankles is related to poor posture, repetitive stress and poor ergonomics in the workplace as well as at home. When proper posture in standing, sitting, lying, or walking is not maintained, the mechanical stress on the joints is exaggerated. Ligaments become overstretched, and the person experiences pain.

Good standing posture ensures that the weight distribution through the spine goes through the C7 vertebra and in front of the second sacral vertebra. Simply put, when standing erect, one has to hold the stomach in, tuck the buttocks in too and hold shoulders back with the head held above the shoulder girdle. The face should never be protruding out in front.

Good sitting has to do with maintaining the cervical and lumbar curves. When sitting at workstations, ergonomics has to be seriously considered, or too much of the lumbar curve may occur.



  • Seat pan of chair should be adjusted so that feet are planted firmly on the ground, thighs parallel to the floor.
  • Shoulders should be relaxed and not elevated. This means keyboard and mouse surface should be measured hand to floor -1”.
  • Top of monitor display should be at eye level.
  • Have an excellent lumbar support to maintain the back curve.
  • When sitting for prolonged hours at computers, the rule is to get up and stretch backwards two to three times (supporting the back).
  • Take a little walk every now and then. It brings back the natural curve in the back.

Walking should always be with a heel toe pattern. When walking for long hours it is advisable to use good walking shoes. These protect the ankles and, in turn, the knees and so on. When joints are supported well, heel pain and plantar fasciitis can be prevented.

Women, high-heel stilettos are a bane to society. Get rid of them!

Interrupt prolonged neck-bending by looking up frequently and turning neck side to side.

Simple strengthening exercises for neck and back and other joints can be learnt from a good therapist. This ensures strength in supporting structures of joints.

Since it’s important to have recovery time, taking time off every week is essential. This enables the body to rejuvenate itself.

Our bodies are wonderfully, intricately and delicately made. Therefore take care of your body, and enjoy good health!

– Susana Verghese

Susana Verghese is a popular practising Physiotherapist. She is a Gold Medallist from CMC Vellore.

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